Response to R05

The paean for robotic fabrication. This is the introduction for the AD Journal Made by Robots. It covers several aspects of the development of robotic fabrication. I cannot wait to read the whole journal to get a total understanding of robotic fabrication. As for the introduction, I am interested in the saying, “We now have access to enormous knowhow and different forms of knowledge – anyone can become an expert in digital fabrication these days.” It makes a manifesto that architecture is entering its Second Digital Age. The robotic fabrication presents the openness of the information age. Will it be a revolution? Like someone predicts that 3D printing will bring in the Third Industry Revolution. Surely, “The robotic fabrication of tomorrow will no longer be bound to constricting standards, constraints or ideologies, but will allow each architectural experiment with robots the freedom to follow its own agenda.” The robotic fabrication definitely will generate dramatic transformation of architecture by connecting technology and knowhow. The most importantly, it will change the way of thinking about and materializing architecture, like automobiles labeled as horseless carriages at first. Robotic processes may be the standard building processes for architecture as car taking the place of horse wagon.


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