Face Lift

 Orginal design concept involved  regular, symmetrical panel that could vary in size of aperture opening

Steel pieces were cut with water-jet technology with scored edges for bending and metal teeth for registration into constructed foam floor plates

Robot in process for placing panels on constructed foam and dowel structural system


Male "stamping" pieces and Female Robot Tool

Interior of Tool (installed)

Side of Tool (installed)

Facade Rig for Assembly

Structure with Foam&Plywood--digital model

Face Lift

Facade system and structure

Robot pokes different sized apertures into water jet-cut panels and them places them onto a pegged structure system


Cutting out Tool




Tilt and Twist

Form before plaster

Sample of 60 degree twist and 30 degree tilt

Sample of 120 degree twist and 60 degree tilt

Tool and wire cage used on robot

Finished pieces being suspended for display

Plaster String Tool

Two Layered Plate for String Twist

Left: Larger hole to allow for the thickness of the string and knot

Right: Medium hole for stockings and small hole for strings to feed through

Pinch, Pull, and Progress

Primary attempt: non-robotic, understanding the reaction to a static grid

Second attempt: Jogging the robot with a rudimentary jig and string cage

Design for final precise jig to be laser cut

Robo Pinch and Pull

We tested two ideas of pulling and pinching; one where the form was decided entirely by the concrete and another where it was contained within nylon. The intersecting fishing line here changes its rotation as well, leading to ideas about the parallel change of containment and angle of a supportive "grid".

With the parameters of a shifting grid and a slumped vs. a taught material, we can control either everything with the robot or just a single factor with the robot.

Process Videos of Felt Catenaries

Speeding up drying time


Response to 7 Retooling for Mass Market

Response to 7 Retooling for Mass Market 

The homogeneous pattern emerged with the urbanisation has the tendency to be interrupted by parametric work relying on digital fabrication. While, Sears Tower in Chicago or Bank of American Plaza in Atlanta could also be considered as effective interruption of repetitive stereotypes of skyscrapers. The insufficient heterogeneity is the consequence of pursuing labor saving instead of the typical modern designs incapability. Undoubtedly parametric work contains more possibilities as the fundamental theory is still establishing. Moreover, its higher magnitude of complexity ensures dynamic shapes and then the spaces. However, its domains concentrate on stretched vertical or horizontal spaces which modern architecture handles less successfully. According to Professor McCullough, parametric work better in domains whose subject matter is engineered form itself, especially in mechanical components for complex assemblies such as vehicles. It works less well when function weights out configuration. One danger of parametric design is its lack of established judging principles. The general concerns of the turning the city into experimental land by suddenly eruption. Besides, since parametric design contains biomorphic feature then blurs its existence as an artificial product, whether it will leads giddiness and discomfort when it obtain enough density as described in uncanny valley theory? Third, the homogeneous in the worldwide is not avoided as all designs are based on imitable algorithm . Whether parametric design will evolve and absorb local elements as Neo Regionalism? As the construction material are small to adapt multiple changes, it contains gap to translate tradition prototype into utilizable way. Will the parametric design follow some unprecedented logic, such as language, to make separation on area? Personally speaking, I do think modern architecture will narrow itself into specific area to do further research which will be endless.
*Uncanny valley: the uncanny valley is a hypothesis in the field of human aesthetic which holds that when human features look and move almost, but not exactly, like natural human beings, it causes a response of revulsion among some human observers. The valley refers to the dip in a graph of the comfort level of human as subjects move towards a healthy, natural human likeness described in a function of  a subjects aesthetic acceptability. Examples can be found in the field of robotic and 3d computer animation. 

Response to 6 Changing building sites

Response to 6 Changing building sites 

According to the essay automated construction in Japan, the application of robotic construction could be subdivided into four categories: tele operated humanmachine system, pre programmed system, autonomous with on board sensor and integrated construction automation systems. The latter two category are less distinct without appropriate separation. The third category universally describes ongoing construction mechatronics research and the fourth category describes the amalgamation of existing capability and their application with in a reengineered construction site. From my understanding, manipulation of machines are based on the calculation of routes which might contain deviation in simulation. The sensor might serve to inspect the completion circumstance and transmit the feedback to the central control for further decision of processing. a in emergency to speculate the quality. One value of on board sensor might be its simultaneously response. The typical usage of this technique is underwater vehicles which allows self- navigation and selection of cables when similar features appears. 

Integrated construction automated system consist of four fundamental elements: a temporary covered working platform and jacking system, just in time delivery of structural members and subassembled components, an automated material handing system and a centralized on site integrated control center. One of the most successful automation system is ABCS. Parallel delivery system allows horizontal and vertical transport and framework supports the cranes and material hoists,weighting 2200t. Climbing system rested on structure columns equipped with locking hydraulic jack system. The ABCS is constructed in the 7th level and jack up after completing two structural floors and cladding. 

Catenaries Testing_Part II

Strips are split to have "legs" which can play with elements of gravity during the drying process. While the robot controls the height the strips are hung and the successive degrees of rotation, we can control the length of strips and the length of the "legs". 

Option one: varying height of robot

Simple commands for varying height of curing plane, manual jogging of degrees of rotation, and distance the robots are from each other

16 options for combined variations of robot actions and material changes

Option two: varying leg length

Option three: varying material length, same leg length

Option four: varying distance between robots and length of strips

Option five: twenty degree rotation of one end of strip


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